Technical Conference Sessions 2024


Day 1

Matthew Swallow

Bunting Magnetics
Opening Address: Rare Earths - A power to change the world

Nick Mann

HyProMag Ltd

Short Loop Recycling of NdFeB Magnets

Jim Kennedy

Caldera Holdings LLC
Overcoming China's Rare Earth Subsidies & Structural Advantages

Ben Wrightsman 

ReElement Technologies
Making Finite Rare Earth Magnets Infinite: Unlocking True Magnet Recycling and Reducing Reliance on China

Tim Costello 

Correlated Magnetics Research

Accelerating the Commercialization of Advanced Magnetics

Mathias Böhm

Reduction of Cycle Time and Increasing Magnetizing Field Strength in Magnetization Process and Production

Maciej Urban

SENIS Group, Switzerland
Advancements in Magnetic Field Measurement: Introducing the SENIS 3D Mapper and Pure 3D Magnetic Camera for Precision Inspection

John Ormerod

Permanent Magnets: Myths, Misconceptions and Marketing

Navid Cheema

Brockhaus enhances EV motor efficiency with advanced measurement solutions for R&D and production

Day 2

Panel Discussion: Trending Permanent Magnet Applications, North America

Moderated by Brody Tucker of Bunting Magnetics
Matthew Swallow (Bunting Magnetics), Jacob Gross (Thomas & Skinner Inc), Stan Trout (Spontaneous Materials), James Bell (MagnetoDynamics) & Kevin Kurtz (Quadrant International)

Wilfredo A Reyes

ARM Global Strategies Advisory
Unlocking value in Critical Materials and Minerals

Mike Devine

Adams Magnetic Products LLC
A Snapshot of Permanent Magnet Standards Around the World

Akihiko Saito

Daido Steel
Soft Magnetic Materials with High-Saturation and High-Permeability


Catherine McManus

Scientifically Authenticated Proof of Origin in the Magnets Industry: A Path Towards Meeting New Federal Regulations

Luisa Moreno

Defense Metals Corp
Defense Metals Supporting Rare Earth Elements Supply Chain Resilience to Meet Demand

Kevin Stoll

Critical Minerals Recycling
Revolutionizing Rare Earth Recovery: Sustainable Solutions for Future Supply Challenges

Naoto Murase & Issei Fukuzak

Daido Steel
Hot-deformed NdFeB and Isotropic Bonded SmFeN magnets - Unique Alternatives to Sintered NdFeB with HREE-free Potential

Panel Discussion: closing the loop on recycling of Magnets

ReElement Technologies
Moderated by Ben Wrightsman
Kevin Stoll, Alex Tanner, Gautam Khanna